conjugação de verbos

Ferramenta em que você coloca o verbo no infinitivo e retorna os tempos verbais. Faça seus testes.



 Por exemplo:

Verbo Ser...

Gerúndio: sendo
Particípio passado: sido
Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu sou eu fui eu era
tu és tu foste tu eras
ele/ela é ele/ela foi ele/ela era
nós somos nós fomos nós éramos
vós sois vós fostes vós éreis
eles/elas são eles/elas foram eles/elas eram
Pret. mais-que-perfeito Futuro / Condicional /

Futuro do presente Futuro do pretérito
eu fora eu serei eu seria
tu foras tu serás tu serias
ele/ela fora ele/ela será ele/ela seria
nós fôramos nós seremos nós seríamos
vós fôreis vós sereis vós seríeis
eles/elas foram eles/elas serão eles/elas seriam
Conjuntivo Subjuntivo (Br)
Presente Pretérito imperfeito Futuro
que eu seja se eu fosse quando eu for
que tu sejas se tu fosses quando tu fores
que ele/ela seja se ele/ela fosse quando ele/ela for
que nós sejamos se nós fôssemos quando nós formos
que vós sejais se vós fôsseis quando vós fordes
que eles/elas sejam se eles/elas fossem quando eles/elas forem
afirmativo negativo Infinitivo pessoal
para ser eu
tu não sejas tu para seres tu
seja você não seja você para ser ele/ela
sejamos nós não sejamos nós para sermos nós
sede vós não sejais vós para serdes vós
sejam vocês não sejam vocês para serem eles/elas



I am
you are
he/she/it is
we are
you are
they are
I was
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you were
they were


to be


let's be


In English, the conjugated forms are the same for the following persons: you, we and they.

Compound forms Simple forms

  Past participle  
having been
In English, the conjugated forms are the same for the following persons: you, we and they.


Present continuous
I am being
you are being
he/she/it is being
we are being
you are being
they are being
Present perfect
I have been
you have been
he/she/it has been
we have been
you have been
they have been
I will be
you will be
he/she/it will be
we will be
you will be
they will be
Future perfect
I will have been
you will have been
he/she/it will have been
we will have been
you will have been
they will have been

Past continuous
I was being
you were being
he/she/it was being
we were being
you were being
they were being

Past perfect
I had been
you had been
he/she/it had been
we had been
you had been
they had been

Future continuous
I will be being
you will be being
he/she/it will be being
we will be being
you will be being
they will be being

Present perfect continuous
I have been being
you have been being
he/she/it has been being
we have been being
you have been being
they have been being

Past perfect continuous
I had been being
you had been being
he/she/it had been being
we had been being
you had been being
they had been being

Future perfect continuous
I will have been being
you will have been being
he/she/it will have been being
we will have been being
you will have been being
they will have been being

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